Monday, 21 March 2011

Me, Loofah Pup and Fly all have a new house

Well we have all moved to our new house now with all our boxes and it is lovely. I have so much to say about it, but as we don't have the internet thing until 4th April I suppose i shall have to wait til then. I shall have to fill my time with running around my amazing garden. I also have another Loofah puppy to wean but that's a whole other story.
Lots of love
Poppy xxx

Sunday, 6 March 2011

An energetic weekend

My loofah pup is nearly completely weaned now, which I'm relieved about. Fortunately loofah pups seem to only take a week to wean whereas normal pups take much longer I believe. I still have loofah but he sleeps in my bed and I leave him there when I am out and about for the day. A much better arrangement I think.
I went back to agility on Saturday and had such good fun. I learnt to do a jump, followed by a tunnel and then another jump. I've never done anything that clever before. I played on the end of the A frame as well, and apparently I was very good. But what was even better was that straight after agility mum took me and Fly to the beach.My little sister had never been to the beach before so we scamped and chased each other and played ball. Beach is so much more fun when there is another doggy to play with.
Then today to make the weekend the best I've ever had mum took me and Fly to Cothelstone hill on the Quantocks for another long scamp. We met so many different dogs and were allowed to play with them all and to run as fast as we could. We ran in and out of bushes, we wrestled each other and the best part was that we found a really muddy puddle to splash in.
This weekend really has been the best weekend ever. Me and Fly have been so tired after all our fun that we have mostly slept to try and recover. I barely even noticed mum packing boxes, but I must admit it confused me when I woke up and lots of the furniture had moved. I will be glad when we have finished moving, although I am sure I can cope with it for a while longer if it gets me more fun weekends like this one.
Lots of love
Poppy xxx