Monday, 7 January 2013

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone.

Mum made us both think long and hard about our resolutions. She said that we was rubbish at keeping them last year, so we need to do better this year. After a lot of careful thought here they are -

Poppy's List

1) I will lose no more than two tennis balls a month. So much more achievable than last years goal of not losing any.
2) I will only bark when mum eats cheese and no other foods. Cheese is too good not to bark at!
3) Sometimes I will come back when mum calls me. I've realised that if I occasionally listen to mum, I've got more chance of being allowed off lead.
4) I will not whine when mum leaves me in the office at work unless I feel really lonely. I realise that I'm not properly lonely until I've been left for 15 minutes or more.
5) I will allow Fly to eat her own rawhide instead of barking at her so I get all the rawhide and she has none.

I think my list is so much more achievable than last years. Mum says it's a bit of a cop out but she will make up for it by doing lots of training with me so that my behaviour improves anyway. I don't know what she's talking about, I'm a lovely Poppy.

Fly's List

1) I will not roll in poo when mum is taking me to work, I realise that people don't like it when the office smells funny. I will only roll on days off.
2) I will not chase Treacle. There are enough cats in the world that I can chase, so I shouldn't chase my own cat.
3) I will try to be clever at agility and may even try to do two obstacles in a row.
4) I will only chase cars when mum says I can. I will be good and only do the chasing if I'm allowed because I know it's naughty.
5) I will try not to bite people that come in to mums office. I don't ever properly bite, I just get nervous and do a little nip, and apparently some people don't like it.

It's been a very good new year so far because we spent new years day on the beach and we have already had two trips to pets at home, so we think it is going to be a good Poppy and Fly year.

Big woofs
Pop and Fly xxx

p.s we says sorry for not having photo's this week but we can't seem to upload any, we have bad computer this week.